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minimize taxes in retirement


If you make $87,044 or more in annual income, you are the Top 25% of income earners in America. You make an uncommon amount of income compared to the general population and are considered "wealthy". 


With this in mind, the government then appropriates the amount of taxes you pay for in correlation to the amount of income you make. Therefore, the majority of taxes - a staggering amount of 87%* - solely comes from the Top 25% of wage earners.

*Source: "Summary of the Latest Federal Income​ Tax Data, 2021 Update” Tax Foundation.

three biggest risks in retirement

how much in taxes do you want to pay in retirement?

If you own any qualified accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs, you are already heading toward a substantial tax bill coming due once you start using those retirement accounts for income. Each "bucket of money" (i.e. taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free accounts) impacts the value of your assets later on in life. 


Click the button below to learn details about what types of financial vehicles go into each category, just how severe today's tax problem is, and how it can potentially impact your retirement!

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tax-saving strategies

Request your complimentary report to review your current tax liability and discuss the tax-advantaged accounts that can potentially help you reach your retirement goals.

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